
Globalisation has led to tremendous advancement in technologies that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) need to harness to grow or even survive. To become a leader in the digital economy, small businesses should incline towards a system that seamlessly integrates processes across the company to overcome the complexities and focus on core objectives.

SMEs can consider investing in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to use built-in analytics and best-in-class functionalities for different business operations, such as production, financials, inventory management, procurement, supply chain management, and customer service. While companies have handled processes with manual efforts, spreadsheets, and off-the-shelf software, running a business in the digital era without ERP solution will leave you with frustrated teams and inefficiencies.

Why Small Businesses Need ERP Software?
If your organisation is working without a cloud ERP solution, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Are your business processes in control?
  • Is your current solution centralised and complete?
  • Are all the departments within your organisation well supported?
  • Can your current system help achieve your realistic goals?

If the answer is no, then it’s high time to move to the Acumatica ERP system to keep your business relevant and productive in an ever-changing market. It has the potential to integrate accurate and timely information among multiple areas that offer better data evaluation support and simplify the decision-making process. It can be utilised in all departments, including accounting, CRM, HR, project management, and more – all the processes are interconnected using a single, secured database.

How ERP System Can Benefit Small Businesses?
No matter how big or small your business is, the advent of cloud computing has really made a significant difference in the capabilities of ERP. Below we have outlined some benefits of ERP for SMEs:

  1. Increase Teams’ Scalability and Flexibility
    There is no denying that team members are a powerful asset to your organisation. Scaling could be difficult, especially when you deal with a large number of the workforce within your company. ERP can help teams to collaboratively work together to achieve a common goal in the most productive manner. Through real-time insights, teams can stay informed and make quick decisions while focusing on customer relations.

  2. Automation Mitigates Repetitive Manual Task
    Automating processes ranging from the accounting department to CRM and payroll can help businesses save a lot of time and energy. All of these can be performed automatically using the high-tech features that will reduce labour costs and manpower in the long run.

  3. Combine and Store Records of Documents Centrally
    You no longer need to exhaust with unorganised documents. After using the ERP system, you don’t need to bear such problems ever again, a centralised database helping users to manage everything. You can store data in the cloud and maintain them in an easy to interpret format, securely from a single place.

    At the same time, the information is readily available, whenever required. Since updates can take place in real-time, companies can improve efficiency and reduce the overall time needed to finish a task.

Choose Acumatica ERP System to Transform all Facets of Your Business
Thanks to the cloud and mobile technology available in the market today, Acumatica ERP continues to change its rules of business and helping all levels of businesses to thrive in a competitive environment.

Here are some signs why you need an all-in-one ERP system:

  • Your organisation is struggling with productivity and spending a lot of time in manual transactions.
  • There is a communication gap between different departments due to the inaccessibility of information.
  • There is an absolute need for keeping a central record of customer relations.
  • There is no automatic report generation tool available and you need to do everything manually.

Well, this list will just go on. By now, you might have understood that ERP can greatly benefit small businesses with superior usability and world-class features.

At Netsense, we believe Acumatica ERP is one such well-designed solution that has the power to streamline processes and accelerate business growth. If you’re looking to enhance your teams’ performance, gain control and insights, reduce overall costs, and stand out from the rest, implementing our Acumatica ERP solution could be a viable option.

To acquire an ERP solution that grows with your business, we invite you to schedule a demonstration with our experts to see its industry-specific capabilities, integrated business intelligence, and other best practices in action. Let us help you implement smart and automation technologies to break new ground, contact us today!