
Should you go with an On-Premise ERP or a Cloud one? This is one complexity that all small businesses face in the initial stages of platform set-up.

Reporting, analytics, automation, AI integration and all such aspects are to be integrated unified for increased efficiency and organizational process management. All these could be effectively managed when you have a strong Enterprise Resource System (ERP) platform.

But picking what medium is a bog question, especially when you are new to this. Would a cloud based one offer more detailed and accurate analytics than an on-premise one? Which one would provide faster reporting? Which would help you in getting quick insights?

Cloud ERP – Is it Better Than On-Premise?
If you consult a professional ERP solution service provider, and considering the changing business market, scalability expectation, it is safe to assume that the cloud option is gaining more popularity and adoption.

Not assured? Don’t worry. Cloud ERP is highly convenient and modern way for small and mid-size SMEs to incorporate in their flexible business culture. But how? Read on to know:

  • Low Upfront Cost
    The most concerned issue for small businesses and start-ups are the added IT infrastructural costs, which they are looking to avoid, but don’t want to compromise on the tool’s capability and high-end solutions. Going the cloud way provides the best solution for them.

    As the cloud based ERP is hosted by the vendor, small business owners are saved from the complexity of infrastructural aspect. You can choose the monthly payment or annual subscription mode. It provides high scalability, less maintenance cost, and easy configuration.

  • High Scalability for Future
    Your business structure, your client base, your market needs, customer demands and in core your business process won’t remain the same. So you are going to get your IT to change and adapt according to that. This is where we all look forward to a scalable solution that can grow with respect to the changing environment. This is rendered excellently by the cloud based solution, whereas with an on-premise platform you need to go for a complete overhaul.

  • Easy and Quick Deployment
    You have a lot on your table right now, and can’t commit to stressful and time-consuming IT deployment. Worry not. Cloud based ERPs function over the internet and this is a basic infrastructural need all you have to arrange for.

  • Improved Flexibility
    Today we look at technology and tools which can not only enable the business capacity to run at its full efficiency but also need the need of tomorrow’s expansion. We live and work in an environment today where we want a technological aspect to not just cover one basic, but be able to fulfil multi-facets. This efficient model helps drive future growth, easy adaption of mew resources into the system.

  • Higher Mobility
    A workplace isn’t just your office desk. It can be the living room of your home, a café, your tablet or smartphone. You want to be connected to all the specific points of your business at all times from anywhere. Cloud based ERP makes this a breeze for you.

  • High Data Security
    It has been observed over the years that with strengthened internet policies, improved network architecture, and focus on cloud as the business enabler, we have ERP platforms with remote access that provides enhanced data security.

    Cloud based technological architecture has come a long way, and it is not something to fear anymore. As small business owners have a lot to ponder over and limited budget, leveraging the cloud benefits will prove not missing out on the technological capability all the while making it simplified and resourceful. You can adopt Acumatica ERP implemented that helps you get the best from a resourceful solution while also making best use of streamlined and cohesive online process.